Welcome To Our Church
The Indian Orthodox Church, also known as Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church was founded by St. Thomas, one of the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ, who came to India in A.D. 52.
The St. Gregorios Indian Orthodox Church, Peterborough is a growing community standing on the rich Christian heritage of the Malankara Orthodox Church in India. The Malankara Orthodox Church is part of the Oriental Orthodox family of Churches and is in communion with the Coptic Orthodox Church, the Armenian Apostolic Church, the Syrian Orthodox Church, the Ethiopian Orthodox Church and the Eritrean Orthodox Church.
Though we are orthodox in our faith and practice, we uphold our Indian ethos and the Orthodox heritage. Here in the United Kingdom, we hope to carry on the dynamism of our early church Fathers by both living and sharing our Orthodox faith.We warmly welcome all who wish to know and worship our Lord with us and understand our culture and heritage.
Service Timings
Our service is currently held on every second Saturday of the calendar month.
Sunday School : 8:30 AM
Morning Prayer : 9:30 AM
Divine Liturgy : 10:15 AM
St Andrew's United Reformed Church
Ledbury Road
Bible Readings For The Month
To get a complete list of readings for the month please visit the link below
Our Spiritual Guides

Catholicos of the East And Malankara Metropolitan